--Let me just say that I just love Campo Bom. I have such a love for the people here, that it is starting to feel like home to me. The branch here is full of generous people who are always willing to help us with lunch, rides, references, and support for us and our investigators. Yesterday in sacrament meeting was another spiritual testimony meeting, and I could not help but be amazed. Yes our attendance is small, but we is growing immensly. Yesterday we had 52 people presente at church, and each and every person makes such a difference in our small entity. I have never seen a group of members with such a strong unity. Our church building is a small blue house with lots of mold, ant hills, and completly falling apart. But that does not stop the members from inviting their friends, and bringing such a sweet, markable spirit.
I am so so so greatful that I will be staying here yet another transfer! Tá dinha Sister Sá only stayed here 1 transfer and has already been moved to Bento Gonsalves. And looks like I will be staying here in Campo Bom till the end!!! (Almost 8 months in total).
--My new companion is Sister Jolly from Texas! President Campos created a new designation, we have been called to be the “test drive”. Not quite sure what it is called, something like Sister Leader Training Leader. Which basically means now we will be responsable for all of the other Sister<x-apple-data-detectors://2> Leaders. It will be different for me because I was used to working with new missionaries, but now we will be working with Sisters who already have a lot of experience, and are leaders. Excited to see how it goes!
Side notes from this week> I have discovered that I am deathly (almost) alergic to cats. Even if a cat slithers on by, I start sneekzing, eyes water, and my nose itches verywhere.
--we had 4 Haitians come to church, another middle-aged couple , and a 9 year old girl who are ELECTS and truly prepared by the Lord.
--Alan was baptized!! And let me talk about a spiritual baptism. It was undescrible. Akzã (recent convert and son-in-law) baptized him and Amanda (his daughter) gave a burning testiony at the end. Her words literally were the definition of “ talking from the heart”. Imagine the whole room crying... definantly a feeling and moment that I will never forget.
--This week I was able to be a special witness of the power of fasting, and the miracles that are ceased when we exercise our faith. We have been working with a kid named Gustavo for weeks now, but he never accepted the fact that he needed to be baptized because he was “already baptized” in another church. He has been coming to church for a month now, and we tried just about everything to get him to understand the importance of being baptized by someone who has the proper autority. My companion and I fasted and prayed that his heart would be touched. After we ended our fast, we headed to his house, filled with faith and confidence that the Lord would do His part. And what happend...Gustavo FINALLY accapted to be baptized this coming Saturday<x-apple-data-detectors://3>. I love my Heavenly Father, and I know that he hears and answers our prayers. He is so merciful.
--I know that each soul is great in the sight of God, and each person has great value. I am trying to see as Christ does and do as he would if He were in my place. I love God´s children, and it so importante that each and every one of us does our part so that they can return to His presence. Do your part in the rescue of the lost sheep.
Com Amor,
Sister Hannah
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