Well, well, well where to start about this week. I guess I will start off by sharing little strage experiences.
1.) Not sure why I always forget to mention this, but apparently I give lessons in my sleep each and every night. With "in the name of jesus christ, amen" in all. At first my companions would just laugh about it, but now it is a legit issue! Becuase I just wake them up every single night with my lessons about the restoration, the plan of salvation etc. ooooooops. Nothing I can do about it, suckers! hahah but seriously I do feel a little sorry for them, but can't help it!
2.) So we were giving a mighty prayer in our apartment, when a car with a HUGE base drove by on the street. Not only did our whole apartment start to rumble (let me remind you, we live on the fourth floor), but every single car's alarm on the street started going off. hahaha what a little butt head (as mom would say) driving that car!
3.) I finally got in hugeeee trouble about doing insanity in our apartment at 6:30am. I was pretty shocked that after 3 months no one had said anything, but yesterday we got hid hard with complaints. The owner of the apartment came to our door with a huge written out list, all in bold letters of what we can not do. She said that basically every neighbor wants to kill us. Buttttttt the good part is so she so nice, and she wants us to teach her english, so we got a little bribbing action going on, hahhaha jk So now i'm going to have to do little wimmpy workouts, but all good!
This week I learned the importance of asking questions through the spirit in lessons.We had just finished teaching the restoration to a couple named Gabriella (18 yrs) and Lindomar (22 yrs), and had given the invite to read and pray about the book of mormon. I had a feeling to ask lindomar how he was feeling in that moment. (a question that is very simple). But because of this question, we found out exactly his doubts and concerns. We found out that he has fear to pray to God because of all the horrible choices he has made in his life, and he felt that if he did pray, God would not want to hear from him.It was such a tender experience, where he felt comportable to share what he was feeling, and that he sincerely was seeking for help. I am so greatful for the spirit that guided my companion and I to teach him about prayer more in depth, andabout a always forgiving and loving heavenly father. And everything just worked out perfectly, and I have such a testimony of the power of God to touch the hearts of others. They went to church this sunday (with their 14 day old baby) and it was amazing. Can't wait to get them married, and baptized to be sealed as a family for eternity.
I love my calling, and I love my heavenly father. I love my savior, and that because of him, we can revice a remission of out sins, and return to the presence of our heavently father.
This week was a awesome one, with many new learning experiences!
Love, Sister Hannah
Moroni 8
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